Friday, October 15, 2010

What a rough week!

Okay so, yes I know. I am following in the footsteps of many others by getting a blog and I don't care.

Anyways, this has been a very long week. I have learned my lesson with online classes. Don't take a math online cause you will never understand it, nor will you put in the time to understand it. But I am determined to stick it out and see if I can pick up on anything or maybe scrap by and get a C. I know that's bad but that's all I can really hope for at this point or I will be retaking it. I have also learned that everyone in my chem will fail the test we just took unless he curves it. So 3 tests, a paper on Mars, and 2 CPRs, I am done for the week.

Other then that my week has been okay. We have started going to the dog park that we have on base and go every night weather permitting. It's reassuring that most people that go there don't have kids either...well at least not ones that aren't furry. We are the only Navy that go but we have joined a group that loves Mocha. She is the youngest by far and is growing fast so she won't be the smallest.
This is after the dog park! It was the best thing we found! We also found out this past week that wasn't 3 almost 4 months old when we got her. She was about 2 months so she is now 3-4months and still isn't fully potty trained.

Another exciting update, Shawn is going back to school for another bachelors. Even though he took out loans to pay for it, it will make going officer easier. Plus he has been keeping up with it since most of it's online. I'm proud of him that he wants to do better and is striving to further himself job wise.

Plans for this weekend? Well as far as I know, it's homework and cleaning. Oh and Medieval Times on Sunday with some friends to celebrate birthdays. I'm still trying to talk Shawn into going to a Bennett's Cruse which is a haunted house up here. Check back for more updates!

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